First, I woke up bright and early, gave Tater huggin's and love'ins. MUAH!

Then I sat on him. HE HE!

First Stop - Grandpa Marion and Granny Rose. Granny doesn't like her picture taken but she loved and kissed on me just the same. Grandpop has lost a TON of weight, Lookin' good Grandpop! He says that I am harder to hold b/c I wiggle alot now. I ran all over the house trying to see what I could break!

2nd stop - Aunt Missy's. Uncle Frank thought he could bring me down by puttin me in the sleeper hold. It worked on Collin - I was u p and running 10 minutes later!

This is Matthew, he has the red cup; and Little Larry. They are cheezin it up for the camera.

Miss Maura rockin out to I-Tunes no doubt.

Here is me and my Mimi, she said I am so handsome - I have to belive her b/c my Mimi don't lie. Don't we look sweet together?

My Aunt Nini and I don't get too each other that often, but she gives the very BEST huggins and lovins! It's propbably b/c she misses me SOO much. Uncle Adam had to work. WE MISS YOU UNCLE ADAM!

Miss Alyia is looking so much like her momma Aunt Nini. So pretty in her Christmas party dress.

This is what Santa Clause must have looked like before he went grey. Uncle Chuck!

My Aunt Anna just had Collin 5 months ago - She is SMOKIN! Pretty Lady!

Rat Pack - Alyia, Little Larry and Clint - Wait, where is matthew?

There he is!

Gettin ready for presents!

Gimme one, gimme one!!!

Daddy had to show me how to work the paper, but after that...............

......I went to town!

Hey there's toys under all this paper!

This is my FAVORITE so far.
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