Friday, January 2, 2009

The letting go of the Fass-Pfier..............

Well we began the tiresome and sometimes scarey endevour of "The Letting go of the Fass-Pfier". Which is of course, what we have dubbed the pacifier. The first night was a breeze. New Years Eve we left our party place with Ian in tow so he just slept the whole way home, I just didn't give it to him. He didn't seem to mind, he even slept the entire night. New Years Day the 3 of us drove to Indianpolis for a day of shopping, there were no tiraides, tantrums or even a murmur of "Mamma. Fss-Pfrr"- not on the way there, during the day or the way back.

UNTIL that night for bedtime. That was a stand off. The kind of scream seemed a bit between primal and how do I want to put this; as if he were telling me that pay back was a stinker! Just when you think you have witnessed the demons from all get out from your child and are certain that it can't get worse - WELL IT CAN. I couldn't stand to hear him cry, I even had a moment myself where I just cried for him and prayed over him and asked God to give my little guy peace and that this is a hard part of getting bigger but I believe in him that he can do it. And he did, he only carried on for a total of 45 minutes and went to sleep on his own. My big guy.

Tonight is night #3...........I'll let ya know how it goes.

Night #3 was about the same as the night before: 30 minutes of gut wrenching SQUALLING, there is just no other way to put it. But at least it only lasted 30 minutes. Ian soothed himself and went to sleep but did waken about midnight for another round of only 10 minutes of crying.
Lastnight the squaling lasted only 15 mintes but yesterday and today at naptime he decided he would add some screaming before he went to sleep. I do feel really bad for him, and Brian tells me that Super Nanny would be proud of me, so everynight I just pray over him and ask GOD to give him peace, tell Ian I love him and walk out - no matter the sevarity of his cries. Brian does not understand how hard it is for a mom to listen to that, "Momma, momma, MOMMA!" It just kills my soul. Well, tonight we do it again, and I have decided to stick to our plan, undivided front - me and dad.

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