Friday, March 20, 2009

okay....................... I am having the darndest time replying to comments on my blog. So I am sorry for those that have left comments, I promise I am not ignoring you.

It seems like making the transition from working 40 hours a week to nill is taking FOREVER! We have since realized that my presence cannot not be obsolete, I must come in at lease 2 days; better than 5 I guess. Don't get me wrong, I love working with Brian and everyone else, and what we do makes me excited to be apart of it all; but the pull to keep Ian home seems to get stronger by the passing day. It only gets worse when I read friends blogs about how wonderful it is to be at home with thier children, and how awesome it is to give thier child the best part of them and not just what's left over. Face it, most of the time that's all that is available - Ian gets the left overs; gosh that made me cry just now. He deserves so much better than that. I know stay at home mom's have thier struggles too; both sides of the coin do.

Trish B. : Hi girl! Nicholas is so handsome ( as all of your boys are!) Ian and I would love to have a play date this summer, I think that would be great!

Please continue to pray for our family, it's so hard to know that my plan is not always God's plan and that maybe Ian will be our only son. But I am optimistic - all I need is prayer.

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